
Ashtanga Yoga beginners workshop

Introduction course at Casa Ashtanga Leipzig in English with David Vexelman

Saturday 7th of October 2023

You will be taught the traditional method of Ashtanga Yoga step by step, in a personalised way to feel comfortable and safe and to being able to join the Mysore classes directly afterwards.

Price: 35€

Information & Sign up:


Handstand Workshop

Hands down, Feet up!
Handstands workshop with David Vexelman

Friday 23th of February 2024 18:00 to 20:00

35 euros / students 25.

Learn in a playful way the fundamentals of body alignment and the use of breath, bandhas and drishtis, to properly balance on your hands and arms. In this two hour workshop, I will teach you techniques for practicing on a daily basis, to start building up a strong core and balance. This workshop is suitable for beginners and people who already practice yoga regularly.

Information & Sign up:

Vinyasa Transition Workshop

Jump-back jump-through with David Vexelman

(Soon dates for 2023)

A special 2 hours course to learn and practice the transitional jumping vinyasa, a very dynamic movement that connects asanas and resets the body during the ashtanga practice. We will go slowly from an easy version to a more difficult one, helping you to develop the require technique, strength and flexibility to deepen into your vinyasas as well as the sun salutations vinyasa. In the final of this class, we will work with the more advanced vinyasa, chakrasana. This workshop is available for all levels and everyone who wants to deepen their practice, but it is recommended to have some Ashtanga experience (ideally practicing until Navasana).
