Ashtanga Yoga

 What is Ashtanga Yoga?

Ashtanga Yoga is a traditional practice from India that became famous through the teachings of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in the 1970s and 1980s (created in the 1920s). Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic style of Yoga that connects breath and movement through a set sequence of postures. There are 6 set sequences, starting with primary series or Yoga chikitsa, the sequence that purifies body and mind. Followed by the Intermediate series, or Nadi Shodhana, the series that will help us clean the energy channels. Ashtanga Yoga is also called the Trishtana practice, as we bring together the breath (pranayama), posture (asana) and gaze (Drishti) in order to create a meditation in movement.

Our Classes


 Mysore Class

Mysore class is a specific kind of teaching and practice in the Ashtanga Yoga method as taught in Mysore, India, where the name comes from. This style is self-paced and every student is being taught individually. That’s why, every student can arrive at the time that suits best for him/her (see the arrival times in the schedule) to start their practice. During this time, the students will be taught the special sequence of this method, carefully and personalised, to go through it in a safe manner. As the students gain more confidence in their practice and learn the sequence, adjustments will be given more regularly by the teacher when needed. Always talk to your teacher in case you don’t want an adjustment or when you are exhausted. Casa Ashtanga is a space for everyone to feel safe and comfortable and to work on yourself.

 Led Class

Led Class is another method of teaching Ashtanga Yoga, where the classes are taught in the traditional Sanskrit count. In these classes, the student must have some knowledge of the sequence to being able to participate. All the students go at the same pace through the sequence following the vinyasa count (vinyasa is the connection of breath and movement) by the teacher.

 Private Class

One-on-one classes (maximum up to two persons per class to get the same price), where the teacher will adapt to the time and place of the student, offering a more detailed and exclusive teaching. Ideal for people who want to go even deeper into the practice, or resolve and find solutions for personal challenges.

Introduction Class

Casa Ashtanga offers a four week course for maximum 10 people where the students will be taught the traditional method of Ashtanga Yoga step by step and in a personalised way to feel comfortable and safe in order to be able to join the Mysore classes directly afterwards. (For the price of the workshop, the student will get one month unlimited.)