Your Teachers

Hi, I’m David Vexelman.

With a lot of work and love, I am now opening Casa Ashtanga, a place to inspire more people to practice this amazing method.

I started Ashtanga at the age of 27. After that day, I never stopped and become a passionate practitioner.

I studied under the guidance of Guy Donahaye (USA), Kristina Karitinou (Greece), Gibran Gonzales (Mexico), Pablo Pirrillo (Argentina), Eddie Stern (Ashtanga Yoga New York).


In 2014 I decided to deepen my practice and travel to Kerala, India, to follow a 200 hour teacher training in Yoga Therapy in Abhijna School Of Yoga And Meditation. One month later I went to Mysore, where I studied at Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute. I spent all year travelling around India.


In 2016 I moved to Switzerland where I started assisting and teaching at Ashtanga Yoga Lausanne. Later on, I took an Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training with Mark and Joan Darby (Montréal), both Certified by Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute in Chamonix, France. After leaving Switzerland I spent one year practicing with Iain Grysak and Damián De Bastier (Samadi Bali) in Bali, Indonesia.


In 2018 I moved to Leipzig, and have been teaching at Ashtanga Yoga Loft Leipzig ever since. I travel every year to practice with my main teacher Vijay Kumar in Mysore, India. While in Europe, I practice under the guidance of Adam Keen (UK) who introduced me to the Advance series A (third series).

  • Julia Platonova

    Replacement teacher

    My name is Julia and I started practicing Hatha yoga regularly in 2012.

    2018 I established my regular Ashtanga Yoga practice in the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya - Pattabhi Joyce - Sharat Joyce.

    I started to assist Ashtanga teachers and since 2019 worked as a teacher myself in the Ashtanga Yoga Shala Saint-Petersburg.

    Seminars I attended:

    * Tai Landrum (2019)

    * Petri Raisanen(2021)

    * Anna Guryva( Autorised level I)

    * Iurii Kochetkov (Autorised level II)

    * Dmitriy Baryshnikov (Autorised level II)

    * Autumn Ashtanga yoga school (2021)

    By practicing asanas we improve our mastery of the body and breath, which ultimately gives us freedom and control.

    I am looking forward to assisting and teaching in Casa Ashtanga Yoga Studio.

  • Zora Mazover

    New Yoga Will teacher

    My name is Zora and I started practicing yoga in 2011.

    I did my 850 h yoga teacher apprenticeship and my training as a pedagogue for social integrity and meditation in an academy in the north of Italy.

    Since 2020 I organize and teach the training courses there every month in close cooperation with my colleagues and esteemed teacher Heinz Grill. He has developed an individual yoga path for shaping sociability, called "a new yoga Will" that strives for the synthesis between spirituality and life.

    The aim is to order the soul forces of thinking, feeling and willing an thereby to enable new development steps, both in āsana practice and in life. In practice, the āsana are performed with a focus on the dynamics of the spine, accompanied by mental pictures, through which the body is guided. Because it is not the body but the consciousness that forms the starting point of the practice, all people with different requirements have the opportunity to create the exercises and lead them into a next harmonious and aesthetic form.

    I usually teach in German, but depending on the people, I will switch to English.

    For more impressions, please visit my homepage:

    I look forward to practicing with you.

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